Roofing Repairs Your Roof Might Need When The Asphalt Shingles Form Blisters
If you notice small bumps and craters on your asphalt shingles, you should have them checked by a roofer. You might have hail damage or roof blisters. These problems look similar, but they are different kinds of damage, and a roofer can tell them apart just by looking. Roof blisters are fairly common, and they could indicate the need for roof repairs. Here's the difference between impact damage and blisters and what a roofer may do for the problem.
How Blisters Differ From Impact Damage
When hail strikes your roof, it can dent the shingles or crack them. Hail also knocks granules off the surface. If hail damage covers the roof, you'll probably need to replace the roof, and your insurance may even pay for it.
Blisters form when moisture is trapped in the shingles. The moisture heats up and causes the shingle to expand and form a blister. Sometimes, blisters are large and other times there may be several tiny blisters. Your insurance company might deem this kind of roof damage as cosmetic only, so you'll need the advice of a roofer when it comes to the repairs your roof needs.
Why Blisters Form
Blisters might be the result of a manufacturing problem that allows moisture in the shingles, but the reason the moisture heats up could be due to poor attic ventilation. The blisters might indicate you need to have the ventilation in your attic improved. This might involve putting in new soffit vents or having a turbine vent installed on top of your roof.
Blisters might disappear over time, and in that case, they may not cause a problem for your roof. However, if a blister pops, the shingle will probably wear out faster and maybe even leak. In that case, blisters could shorten the life of your roof.
How Your Roofer Can Help The Problem
The roofing contractor might recommend replacing shingles with blisters on them. That's a fairly easy roof repair as long as all the shingles aren't affected. The roofer can remove the blistered shingles and put in new ones. However, if the underlying problem is a hot roof due to poor attic ventilation, the roofer will probably improve ventilation so the new shingles won't blister or curl due to excess heat.
There's no set roofing repair for blistered shingles, especially when the blisters are small. The first step is for the roofer to determine if the damage is cosmetic and not an issue or if repairs are needed so your roof doesn't start leaking. Reach out to a roofing repair professional to learn more.