Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

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4 Different Types Of Roof Fungus That Can Impact Your Roof

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If you want your roof to last, it is important to be aware of the different roof fungus types that can impact your roof and what to do about each type of roof fungus.

Type #1: Algae

Algae has a green to bluish color appearance. It is very short and tends to spread out and cover up your roof. Algae is really common in certain areas of the country and can be really damaging to your roof. Algae attach directly to your shingles and break them down. Algae tend to thrive in areas with high humidity and should be treated as soon as they appear.

Type #2: Moss

Moss is a very common type of fungi that can grow on your roof. Moss tends to have a bright green appearance and has a fuzzy look to it. Some people like the appearance of moss; however, it is not good for your roof. Moss can spread and help your roof retain moisture. As your roof retains moisture, the shingles on your roof will degrade, and your roof will lose its protection. Moss can easily be killed with the right treatment.

Type #3: Mold

One of the worst types of fungi that can grow on your roof is mold. Mold looks different than other types of fungi. It has a distinctive slimy appearance and is usually black, dark green, or brown in color. Additionally, it has a very distinctive and unpleasant smell to it.

Mold tends to grow when moisture is present. Mold may grow on the surface of your roof. However, mold is more likely to be seen on your roof decking and drywall, as it will grow in areas where water leaks through your roof.

To keep mold away, to begin with, you will want to address any water leaks on your home immediately. If you do spot mold, you will want to work to eradicate it right away and get rid of the moisture that leads to its growth in the first place.

Type #4: Mildew

Mildew tends to be pink, black, or light grey. It tends to appear and spread very rapidly on one's roof. It is most likely to spread when it is warm and wet. Mildew loves roofs that don't have proper drainage systems. Mildew can break down and greatly damage your roof if it is not addressed quickly.

If your roof has been impacted by roof fungus, call a residential roofing service today, and find out how they can help you get rid of the fungus. Roof fungus can be easy to treat, especially if caught early. If left unchecked, roof fungus can destroy your roof and result in the need to replace your roof.
