Clarifying Presumptions You May Have That Could Be Dissuading You From Installing A Flat Roof
Even though flat roofs have been the staple in commercial buildings for decades on end, not many homeowners consider them a viable option for residential roofing installation. While a good number of people tend to think that pitched roofs are the best option for their homes, others tend to assume that flat roofs come with a range of drawbacks and this would make them an inconvenience. But both these assumptions are grossly incorrect.
A leading reason why flat roofs remain the gold standard in commercial applications is the fact that they offer a high degree of durability, so you should expect heightened performance from this structure when employed for residential applications. If you are skeptical about this, check out the following article that clarifies presumptions you may have that could be dissuading you from installing a flat roof.
Flat roofs will diminish the energy efficiency of your home
The last thing any homeowner would want is to pay for roof replacement only to find that they have to pay for additional measures to enhance the insulation of the new structure. But this is not an issue you will have to contend with when you opt for a flat roof.
While some people assume that the pitch of traditional roofs contributes to their energy efficiency, the reality is that flat roofs tend to be thicker than their pitched counterparts are. The density of the roofing ensures that this structure is not susceptible to thermal loss and gain. Consequently, your home benefits from this insulation irrespective of the season.
Flat roofs will spring leaks regularly
Another dominant myth that is perpetuated about flat roofs is that these structures are at a constant threat of developing leaks, but this is incorrect. Certainly, since flat roofs are not pitched, they will not evacuate runoff from the surface at an accelerated rate. Nonetheless, when installed by a professional, the flat roof should have a barely perceptible incline that allows for efficient drainage.
You should also be cognizant of the fact that flat roofs are coated with bitumen, which makes the surface water-resistant. While these measures help with limiting the risk of water damage to the flat roof, the materials are not invulnerable to wear. Hence, you must adhere to a professional maintenance schedule so that roofers will not only assess the condition of the flat roof but also remedy repairs before leaks get the chance to develop.
Contact a company like Commercial Solutions, Inc. to learn more.