Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

Roofing Maintenance: Four Instances When You Should Schedule A Roof Inspection

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Regular roofing maintenance enhances the performance of your roof and increases its lifespan. An essential aspect of maintenance is scheduling regular inspections, which unearth potential faults with your structure. However, most homeowners don’t know when to conduct roofing inspections. Most wait for warning signs that usually occur after extensive damage to the roof. If you want to increase your roof’s durability and avoid costly repairs, here are four instances when you should schedule an inspection.…

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Asphalt Roof Getting Older? 2 Tips To Make It Last Longer

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If the roof on your home is getting older, there are things you can do to make it last longer. Below are two of these things so you can get started on this project right away. Make Repairs Inspect the roof for any damage like loose shingles. If you do see any shingles like this, use roofing nails to tighten them up. If you do not, the shingles will become looser and eventually blow off.…

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4 Reasons A Metal Roof Makes Sense In A Cold Climate

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If you live somewhere with a cold climate, you need to make sure you have a roof designed for those conditions. When it comes to choosing the new material for your roof, a metal roof makes a lot of sense. Reason #1: Protects Against Snow With a metal roof, you can easily manage snow on your roof. The snow will be less likely to create ice dams on your roof. Additionally, you can install snow guards on your metal roof, and the panels will not be damaged.…

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