If you’ve never had to put a new roof on your home before, you might not realize that asphalt shingles come in different grades. In addition to choosing the color and style of the shingles for your roof replacement, you can also choose a higher quality roof when you buy a better grade of shingles. Here’s why you might want to upgrade from basic strip shingles even though higher grades cost more.…
When it is time to replace the shingles on your home, working with your roofer is important. You will need to choose the best materials, improvements, and recommend repairs that need to be done. The following roof replacement information will help you work with your roofer when replacing old materials.
Re-Roofing and Replacement Options for Your Home
There are a couple of options you can use to deal with the old shingles that need to be replaced.…
When you have a new roof put on your home, you might get asphalt shingles that are identical to what you have now. However, you might want a different look if you’re ready to freshen the appearance of your home. Here are some ideas for types of new roofing that could improve the curb appeal of your home and give your property a new look.
Composite Cedar Shakes
While you could have a new cedar shake roof put on, you may not like the expense or the maintenance that comes along with a real wood roof.…