Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

Five Ways To Avoid Ice Dam Damage This Winter

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Your roof is designed to handle most snow and ice, but problems can occur if an ice dam forms. These dams allow moisture to seep beneath shingles and into your house. 1. Improve Your Roof Vents Ice dams are often a result of poor attic ventilation. Hot air from heating your home becomes trapped in the attic where it then melts the snow on your roof too quickly. Once the snowmelt reaches the edge of the roof where temperatures are lower, it refreezes into a dam.…

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A Few Things To Know About The Sheathing, Underlayment, And Shingles That Form Your Roof

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If you’re having your old asphalt roofing replaced or repaired, you may be wondering what the process entails. You know the shingles have to be replaced, but you may not be familiar with what’s underneath the shingles or how a roof is built. An asphalt roof consists of three basic parts: the sheathing, underlayment, and shingles. Here’s a look at how they form a roof and what a roofer does to them when replacing or repairing your roof.…

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Three Reasons Why Your Attic Is Constantly Damp

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While your attic may lack the climate control of the rest of your house, it shouldn’t constantly feel damp, muggy, or humid. These symptoms could indicate a problem with your roof or attic that needs to be quickly addressed to prevent issues like wood rot or roofing material damage. Damaged Roofing Materials Roofs that are affected by everything from storm damage to old age can lose their weatherproof seal in damaged areas.…

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