Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

4 Different Types Of Roof Fungus That Can Impact Your Roof

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If you want your roof to last, it is important to be aware of the different roof fungus types that can impact your roof and what to do about each type of roof fungus. Type #1: Algae Algae has a green to bluish color appearance. It is very short and tends to spread out and cover up your roof. Algae is really common in certain areas of the country and can be really damaging to your roof.…

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Is It Better to Work With a Solar Energy Installation Company?

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Solar power offers huge promise to homeowners across the country. Almost everyone is looking for ways to reduce energy bills during all seasons of the year and solar power offers the greatest promise for the average consumer. However, the system can be somewhat complex to install, even for experienced DIYers. This is why it is almost always worth your while to work with a solar energy installation company to get your system up and running.…

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4 Basic Tips For Selecting Good Roofers

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Home improvement projects cost a lot of money, but they help keep the family and your belongings safe. For this reason, you should ensure they are done right the first time. Tasks like roof installation and maintenance should be handled by competent roofers. Roofing contractors help homeowners choose suitable roofing materials and do the installation work properly so the inside of the house can be protected for longer. But, how do you choose a good roofing contractor?…

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