Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

How Does Your Roof Look? Look For The Signs It Needs To Be Repaired

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If you had a storm recently, your roof may have taken some damage. Fallen tree branches, hailstones, even the wind and rain alone can cause damage to roofs. But even if it hasn’t been storming in your area, you may want to think about the last time you really looked at your roof. Especially if you’re not keeping up with the recommended maintenance your roofing materials need, there may be damage you haven’t noticed that needs some work.…

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How To Estimate The Cost Of A Commercial Roof Replacement

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When you’re a business owner, numbers are everything. You are compiling payroll numbers, inventory costs, profit and loss statements, and a billion other items that need regular maintenance. With all that going on, how are you supposed to also budget the right amount for a commercial roof replacement? While the quotes you will receive from your contractors will change from company to company, there are a few ways that you can provide a really close ballpark estimate of what you should be saving for.…

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Tips To Remember This Summer To Extend Your Roof's Lifespan

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Your roof is obviously a very important part of your house. It can be easy to forget about it though because what’s above your head is often out of sight and out of mind. Your roof needs regular maintenance and care though, and there are specific things you can tackle during the summer months in order to ensure your roof will last you and your family for many years to come.…

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