Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

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Why Hiring the Right Roofing Contractor Does Matter

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If your roof needs to be repaired or if you are planning on installing a new roof, you might just be thinking about calling the first roofing contractor that you can find. After all, you might assume that most roofing contractors will perform the same types of services, so you might not really think that it matters who you call for assistance. However, hiring the right roofing contractor really does matter, so you will probably want to set aside a little bit of time to look for the right person for the job for these reasons and more.…

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Don't Believe These Common Roof Leak Myths

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Nobody wants to deal with with a roof leak. These leaks are serious, and they can lead to a lot of problems in your home. One of the biggest problems is that homeowners often don’t know much about leaks, including how they form and how quickly they should seek help. Do you want to learn some common myths and misconceptions about roof leaks? This is what you need to know.…

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How Challenging Will A Roof Repair Project Be?

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Roofing repair work is a job that can vary wildly in terms of overall complexity. Some tasks involve nothing more than climbing up a ladder and applying some sealing compound. Others may require a crew to cut out sections of the roof, perform repairs to underlying structures, and button everything back up tight. There are, however, a few early indicators of whether the process will be easy or hard. Let’s look at three signs of whether you’re in for a challenging roofing repair project.…

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Roof Replacement To Get Your In Shape Before Winter Weather Comes

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The roof of your home can be vulnerable to winter weather, and the problem could be worse if the shingles are worn. It is time to start thinking about a roof replacement before the cold weather gets here. When you replace the roof, you will want to have improvements done to protect against winter damage. The following roof replacement guide will help you have a new roof installed before winter.…

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Why Tile Roofing Is Considered On Of The Most Durable Roofing Materials Available

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Are you in need of a new residential roof installation? Perhaps you are making plans to build a new home, or maybe you have a home and it is time for a roof replacement. Some homeowners are used to seeing asphalt shingled roofs. However, they may wonder what other roofing materials exist and how they could benefit from choosing another material for their roofing needs. Tile roofing materials are ideal for a number of reasons.…

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2 Signs That Your Home's Roof Decking Needs Replacing

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While looking at your home’s older roof, you may find that the shingles appear to be in good condition. However, the shingles only make up the top layer of the roof. Underneath the shingles, there are sheets of plywood that support the structure of the roof. If these sheets start to break down, the integrity of your roof becomes compromised. Fortunately, there are a couple of signs for which you can look to find out whether deterioration is already happening, indicating that your roof’s decking needs replacing.…

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Cool Commercial Roofs That Lower Energy Usage And Costs

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Do you bask in the sun and let the UV rays damage your skin? Likely not. Then why let UV radiation damage your roof? Left unprotected, sun damage will shorten the lifespan and integrity of your roof.  Or, you can get out the UV protection. The following are ways to cool your roof temperatures and building with UV resistant commercial roofing installations. UV Protective Coating or Membrane  The elements are not always kind to asphalt roofs.…

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How Does Your Roof Look? Look For The Signs It Needs To Be Repaired

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If you had a storm recently, your roof may have taken some damage. Fallen tree branches, hailstones, even the wind and rain alone can cause damage to roofs. But even if it hasn’t been storming in your area, you may want to think about the last time you really looked at your roof. Especially if you’re not keeping up with the recommended maintenance your roofing materials need, there may be damage you haven’t noticed that needs some work.…

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How To Estimate The Cost Of A Commercial Roof Replacement

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When you’re a business owner, numbers are everything. You are compiling payroll numbers, inventory costs, profit and loss statements, and a billion other items that need regular maintenance. With all that going on, how are you supposed to also budget the right amount for a commercial roof replacement? While the quotes you will receive from your contractors will change from company to company, there are a few ways that you can provide a really close ballpark estimate of what you should be saving for.…

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Tips To Remember This Summer To Extend Your Roof's Lifespan

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Your roof is obviously a very important part of your house. It can be easy to forget about it though because what’s above your head is often out of sight and out of mind. Your roof needs regular maintenance and care though, and there are specific things you can tackle during the summer months in order to ensure your roof will last you and your family for many years to come.…

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