Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

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The Basics Of Shingle Roofing Hail Damage For Homeowners

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When it comes to roofing damage, many homeowners find themselves ill-prepared and inadequately informed about the causes, signs, and remedies. One of the biggest sources of confusion for many homeowners with shingle roofing is hail damage. It can be tough to know if the hail has been severe enough to cause damage, or what that damage looks like. Additionally, many homeowners don’t know when that damage signifies that you need roof repair.…

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Tips For Handling Routine Roof Repair Work

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Caring for your roof is a big part of your homeowner’s duties. Getting roof repair work will go a long way to help your roof’s longevity. Doing your research will help you make the correct changes to your roof and your home. Consider the points in this article to make sure you’re getting whatever roof repairs you need.  Repair any weather damage that your roof has undergone Your roof often takes the brunt of the force when weather events happen.…

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Key Tips To Remember When Replacing A Shingle Roof

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If you’ve had a shingle roof for many years, it may finally start breaking down. If it has gotten to the point where you’re having to repair it frequently, consider a roof replacement. You can get through this process in a stress-free manner by taking advantage of the following replacement tips for shingle roofs. Don’t Be Cheap The roof is one of the most important aspects of your entire property. It’s what protects the interior of your home, and as such, you don’t want to cheapen out when replacing your home’s current shingle roof.…

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Don't Stop At The Interior: Why You Should Include A New Roof In Your Home Remodeling Project

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Summer is the perfect time to tackle remodeling projects. The weather is good, and someone can probably be home to oversee the project. If you’ve decided to remodel your home, don’t stop at the interior. Remodel your roof at the same time. You might not think that your roof would need to be remodeled. But that’s not the case. If it’s been a few years since your roof had any work done to it, it’s time to talk to your contractor about another change.…

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Protect Your Roof: How To Avoid Mistakes When Applying A Roof Coating

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If you need to have your roof coated this year, now’s the time to get that taken care of. Many people wait until fall, when the weather cools down a bit. But if you wait until fall, you can run into problems. This is especially true if the rainy season comes sooner than expected. For the best results, you want to get your roof coated before the weather changes in the fall.…

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Three Types Of Roofing Shingles You May Want To Talk To Your Roofing Contractor About

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When your home needs a new roof, you may want to talk to a roofing contractor about your choices. Even if you want to stay with shingles rather than switch to tiles or panels, you still have a few options available. Here’s a look at three popular shingle types and their advantages. 1. Asphalt Shingles Cost Less Asphalt shingle roofs are common because they are the most affordable roofing option. When you need a roof on a limited budget, then these shingles are a good choice.…

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Roofing Components That May Need Replaced During a New Roof Installation

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The replacement of a roof that is at the end of its lifespan but not yet damaged is relatively simple since only the shingles typically require replacement. Older roofs that have sprung leaks or begun to degrade, though, may require a more extensive replacement. The following are the main parts of a roof that may need to be replaced during the installation process. 1. Decking The decking is the main wood base for your entire roof.…

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Roofing Tips For Homeowners With A Lot Of Trees

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No matter who you are and where you live, you need to be taking good care of your roof if you want it to last. If you are someone with a lot of trees in your yard, however, you need to be taking roof care extra seriously. Trees and roofs don’t necessarily get along well. The shade from the trees can cause the roof to stay moist longer than it should, and fallen leaves can lead to premature deterioration.…

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4 Mistakes To Avoid When Your Roof Is Damaged During A Storm

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Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements and the world outside, so any time it sustains damage, it can be a dire situation. Whether due to wind-hurled tree limbs in a storm, a fire, or some other major event, roofs commonly get damaged unexpectedly and leave a home wide open for further damages. If you ever find yourself in this kind of situation, there are a few mistakes you should work to avoid.…

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Learn Reasons For Choosing Metal Roofing

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Metal roofing is a good option if you are thinking about which type of roof to put on your new construction home or if you are trying to think of the type of roof you want to replace your current one with. This article will serve as a great resource that will help you learn more about metal roofs.  Metal roofs can save you money in the long run One of the first things that people tend to think about when trying to find the right roof for them is how much it is going to cost them.…

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