Keeping the Rain Where It Belongs: An Homage to Roofs

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Restoring The Roof Of Your Historic Building

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For a person that owns a historic building, having major repairs done to it can be a challenge. This is due to the advanced age of these structures as well as the need to maintain their original appearance. Unfortunately, individuals might not fully appreciate the challenges that come with restoring the roof of one of these structures, but it is possible to work with a historic building roof restoration contractor to complete this process.…

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The Pros And Cons Of Spanish Tile Roofing

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Choosing the right roofing material for your home can be tricky. There are wonderful materials like metal and clay that have very long lifespans but higher up-front costs compared to cheaper materials like asphalt. Does your budget win or the lifespan of your roof? Clay Spanish tile is a popular option that has been in use all over the world for hundreds of years because of its longevity but especially in areas with warm climates because of its incredible natural energy efficiency.…

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3 Exterior House Renovation Projects You Should Consider

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Exterior house renovation projects can improve the way your home looks while also improving the function of your home. If you are planning to make upgrades to the exterior of your home, you will want to consider adding one or more of the following three options to your list of projects.  #1: Install A New Roof A new roof can easily improve the aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency of your home.…

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Can You Replace A Roof In Winter? Should You?

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Winter is a challenging time for outdoor home repairs, including having to replace a roof. However, winter is also when your roof faces some of its biggest and most dangerous tests, increasing the chances that it will need major repairs.  So, if your roof is damaged and needs to be replaced in wintertime, can it be done? What challenges will you face? And how can a professional roofing contractor meet these?…

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What Eco-Friendly Roof Installations Are Best? 3 Options To Explore

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New construction materials are constantly coming up, with most featuring energy-efficient and sustainable technology. So, if you are constructing a new home or replacing your roof, an environmentally friendly installation is one of the qualities you may want to consider. You should know that this can mean anything from ethical manufacturing using recyclable materials to a low carbon footprint roof and improved energy efficiency. Hence, the type you choose will depend on your specific roofing requirements and budget.…

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3 Things You Should Do To Maximize The Life Span Of Your Residential Roof

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Your roof is the unsung hero of your home. Day in and day out, it protects the building from the elements, ensuring it remains structurally sound and lasts for a long time. Unfortunately, you may not realize just how important your roofing system is until it starts failing. By this time, you may require expensive repairs or a completely new roof. The best way to maintain the performance of your roof and delay its replacement is to take good care of it.…

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Metal Roof Installation: Does Metal Make A Good Material For Residential Roofing?

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Are you looking for suitable roofing material for your new home? You could consider metal. Metal roofing is often overlooked because it’s not as common as asphalt shingles. However, there are many reasons why metal roofing is a great option for your home. Here are some reasons to use metal for residential roofing. 1. Metal Roofs Are Durable When it comes to roofing materials, durability is key. You don’t want to have to replace your roof every few years because it can’t stand up to the elements.…

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Commercial Roofing Services: 3 Critical Signs You Need An Immediate Commercial Roofing Restoration

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The roof is one of the most important components of your commercial building. It protects your investment, employees, and customers from the severe weather conditions Mother Nature unleashes. However, even the strongest roofing system eventually needs to be restored. This is because, over time, elements like wind, rain, snow, and ice take a toll on your roof. This is despite routine maintenance and proactive roofing repairs over the years. And when it’s time to restore your roofing system, ensure you act fast before the system caves in.…

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Want To Build An Energy-Efficient Residential Roof? Consider These Factors

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Time to choose a roof for your new home construction? While several factors come into play when designing a residential roofing system, always remember to consider energy efficiency.  The roof you build will make up a significant part of the building envelope. Like it or not, it will impact your home’s energy efficiency tremendously. Choosing an energy-efficient one will help lower your home’s ecological footprint and save you money on domestic utility bills.…

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Important Things To Know About Flat Roofing

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Every different type of roof has its own special considerations for maintenance to keep it from leaking or falling apart. A flat roof is no exception. While many people think a flat roof is merely for commercial buildings, it is also a good option for your home. If you currently have flat roofing or are considering having it installed, here are a few things you should know. Not Really Flat…

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